NVCL TSG Dataset Download Services : TSG file download

A valid email address must be provided for this service to function.

This service prepares TSG files from NVCL database datasets and makes them available for download.

Usage: downloadtsg.html?parameter1=value&parameter2=value&....

ParameterDescriptionRequiredExample values
emailUser's email address to identify the user and for sending job status update emailsyesuser@example.com
datasetidGUID dataset identifier of the dataset to be preparedyes6dd70215-fe38-457c-be42-3b165fd98c7
forcerecreateForce the service to delete the cached version of this dataset and recreate it. Use this if there is a problem with the dataset or cached version is staleno, Default value=noyes or no

Example Queries:

A standard query : downloadtsg.html?email=user@example.com&datasetid=6dd70215-fe38-457c-be42-3b165fd98c7

A query which forces regeneration : downloadtsg.html?email=user@example.com&datasetid=6dd70215-fe38-457c-be42-3b165fd98c7&forecerecreate=yes