NVCL Data Services : Get Dataset Collection

holeidentifier or datasetid must be provided.

getDatasetCollection service will generate a list of dataset collection in xml format. It requires a holeidentifier as the mandatory URL parameter. The holeidentifier can be obtained from gml:id of either gsml:Borehole or gsmlp:BoreholeView WFS output (e.g. gsml.borehole.WTB5, take the WTB5 only).

Usage: getDatasetCollection.html?parameter1=value

ParameterDescriptionRequiredExample values
holeidentifiersame as borehole id which can be obtained through the GeoServer WFS ouputyesWTB5
datasetidalternatively you can use the dataset's own ID to look up a datasetno6dd70215-fe38-457c-be42-3b165fd98c7
headersonlyonly get dataset headers, this is much faster and can be used in combination with holeidentifier=all to get a list of all datasets efficientlynoyes
checkdownloadavailablechecks if the TSG file is cached on the server and displays the download link in the response for headers only requests. For non headers only requests the download link is always displayed. noyes
outputformatchange output format from xmlnojson

Example Queries:

A standard query : getDatasetCollection.html?holeidentifier=WTB5