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Mineral Resources Tasmania

Landslide Planning Map Update

The Landslide Planning Map depicts both the distribution and relative susceptibility of landslides in Tasmania and underpins the state’s planning and building regulations. The map also forms the basis of the communication of landslide hazard risks to the public, through the Tasmanian Government’s Risk Ready information portal and tools that are publicly available through TasALERT:

The Landslide Planning Map was first developed in 2013 to inform the development and application of landslide (or landslip) planning and building controls in Tasmania, and is now due for review. The review will:

  1. Recommend necessary amendments to the Landslide Planning Map that consider and incorporate improvements in new scientific methodology and evidence
  2. Review rankings and thresholds for the Landslide Planning Map - Hazard Bands – Acceptable, Low, Medium, Medium-Active and High
  3. Develop a mechanism to more readily incorporate information about newly-identified and expanding areas of landslide into Tasmania’s planning and building controls.

The first stage of technical updates to the Landslide Planning Map – Components is now complete and open for consultation. The project Terms of Reference and first Consultation Paper are available on this website.

Please direct enquiries as follows: