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Rosebery-Lyell (Updated 22/06/2023)
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Extension and refinement of previous MRT 3D models in the region. Expresses a new structural synthesis based on mapping and multiple cross sections produced by numerous geologists over several decades. Extends to a depth of 10 km. Constrained by 3D geophysical modelling using MRT's gravity and magnetic survey data coupled with drilling and rock physical property databases. This information has been used to derive uncertainty estimates for each element in the model volume. The model files also include nominal density and magnetic susceptibility estimates obtained for each voxel, thus incorporating intra-unit variations.

The geological model was constructed using the GOCAD® Mining Suite from Mira Geoscience, with initial geophysical inversions via the VPmg code. Further geophysical modelling and uncertainty characterisation was carried out with the GeoModellerTM software from Intrepid Geophysics.
Daniel Bombardieri, Mark Duffett
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