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Mineral Resources Tasmania

Library Enquiry

Required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ).

Public Enquiry Details

First Name: *


Organisation: (if applicable)
Your business or place of work

Your Email Address: *

Your Phone Number:

User category:

Reason for your question:

Please state your question - or proposed visiting dates *
Note - a visit is not confirmed until you receive a response

Places already looked:


Personal information protection statement
You are providing personal information to the Geoscience Library Manager, who will manage that information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004. The personal information collected here will be used by the Geoscience Library Manager for the purpose of addressing your specific request, and related purposes under the Mineral Resources Development Act 1995 and associated laws, including for national identity. The Geoscience Library Manager may also use the information for related purposes, or disclose it to third parties in circumstances allowed for by law. You have the right to access your personal information by request to the Geoscience Library Manager and you may be charged a fee for this service.